The AmmA Centre, in Armagh, held its annual BFI Film Academy Showcase in the Market Place Theatre on Friday 12th January. The AmmA Centre delivered BFI Film Academy weekly from September 2023 to December 2023 with 20 students aged 16-19 from across the borough.
The BFI Film Academy helps to train and inspire the next generation of filmmakers, supporting young people aged 16-19 to develop commercial and cultural knowledge and skills to help make a career in film. The course offers young people who are passionate about film a chance to learn together and work in production teams to make short films in an industry-led environment.
During the Academy the young people also work towards NCFE Level 2 Preparing to Work in the Film Industry. Through the qualification they also learn about careers and working life in the screen industries from industry professionals through a series of masterclasses. Masterclasses were conducted by industry professionals such as actor, writer and director Jonathan Harden, cinematographer George Barnes, and costume breakdown artist Sophie George. They also attended the Foyle Film Festival and heard from Ross White co- writer/director of Oscar and BAFTA winning short film ‘An Irish Goodbye’.
This year the young people worked in groups to produce two short films, which were showcased at the event to an audience of family, friends, teachers and Bernard McCloskey, Head of Education NI Screen, all of whom were extremely impressed. Bernard McCloskey also shared about the great opportunities within the screen industries here in Northern Ireland, for young people seeking to break into the industry. A great night was had by all, with and an opportunity for the young people to show off their hard work and skill