In addition to our annual Schools Partnership Programme, AmmA provide an extensive range of high quality support structures for schools, shared education partnerships and learning communities. All of our activities are designed for sustainable practice, are optimised for blended learning and are enhanced through teacher training and shared planning.
SChool DEVELOPMENT: this is achieved by:
Working with school leadership to ensure that AmmA support is effectively incorporated into each schools ‘3 Year Development Cycle’
Continue to support schools and youth organisations to plan systematically for the further embedding of emerging technologies to support effectively individual pupil learning and progression
Develop further the self-evaluation and quality improvement planning processes to focus more sharply on helping schools to raise standards and achievements through innovative and creative approaches to pupils’ learning.
ST PATRICK’S PS, aghacommon
The Primary 2 class explored the topic of Healthy Eating - Fruit and Vegetables. The teacher wanted to develop the children’s skills in art and sound through the use of digital technology. We also wanted create a literacy link, using the book Handa’s Surprise as a stimulus. Along with the teacher, Amma planned a series of simple activities that would give the pupils the opportunity to explore the topic while developing digital skills.
“The children planned their storyboards by drawing the beginning, middle and end of the story. They loved the opportunity to draw their own pictures on i-pads using a stylus. They then experimented making sounds with instruments and recorded their sounds in a small group.”